Steve's African Adventure

Saturday, April 15, 2006

God is good all the time

God has done some pretty cool stuff this week.
He has shown me some of Himself. The classes this week have been on two diffirent things. Personal devotion and the Cost of Discipleship. Both have been really good. In terms of assignments we keep a journal and we are also doing a book report.

I am almost getting use to the heat in terms of what do you do to keep cool? mostly sweat! you get real nasty and sweaty real quick here and have two take a few showers a day. I drink lots and try to get lots of rest during the day.

The fruit here is great i really like African pineapples they are not as acidic as the Kiwi variety. They want Kahlia and I to cook some Kiwozzie ( Kiwi + Ozzie) food. We are not sure, they dont exactly have the same cooking implements.

Im becoming a real African!
I can use a well! Yeah thats right!
I can do my washing by hand and even have a shower out of a bucket when the water turns off!
Im even remembering some of my fifth form French.
The langauage thing is probably the hardest thing. Class isnt too bad but Church is difficult. One of the choir translated for us, which was cool. One of the students is determined to teach me French by onlt talking to me in French. Some of the students have started calling me by my French name Etiene. I looked up Acts 7 in a French Bible to see what the French equivqlent was ;)

The other thing that takes some getting use to (apart from the heat and the French) is the fact that everywhere you go you have hundreds of African eyes watching you. When i played football they where watching and responding to everything i did.
I got promoted - when walking down the street i normally get "Bonjour le Blanc" translated as "Good day whitey" yesterday i got "Bonsuit Monsuier le blanc" translated as "Good evening MR Whitey" so they obviously can tell im becoming African.

Miss everybody very much.
Steve AKA Etiene


  • Thnaks Lani,
    My French is still pretty average though i learnt it for two years at school but i only remember the pronunciation stuff and real basic French. You can understand quite a few words that are similar except for the pronunciation.

    By Blogger Steve-a-saurus, at 6:01 AM  

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