Steve's African Adventure

Monday, August 07, 2006

Long post for Dad!

Sorry Dad that my posts have not been long but I have not had much time at the internet cafe. Today i have nineteen minutes so here is the long update!
Buea - the first week we were at the YWAM base, we spent the time doing door to door evangilism and helping to repair a section of road. Buea is on the side of Mount Cameroon in the South-West province it is one of the Anglophone provinces so most people understand English. Cameroon is bilingual but it effectively has an Anglophone area and a Francophone area people learn both languages at school but very few people are effectively bilingual.
Many people in the area are members of one church or another so we were encouraging them in their relationship with God. The next week we were at the Mission Evangilique Eglise de Cameroon (Evangilicial Mission Church of Cameroon) again the main focus was evangilism door to door. The church was beside the Univeristy of Buea so most people around where students. We were in groups of two or three my group we had one person accept Christ for the first time and two make recommitments.
After Buea we went to Mbambou a small village south of Douala, we were doing evangilism door to door and open air. For the open air they got me to do the haka in an Africian market place apparantly it attracts attention! After Mbambou we returned to Douala where we spent one week at the YWAM base working on the team and developing areas of our character (fruit of the Spirit).
After the base this last week we have been working with the Grace of God Mission a Nigirian based (Anglophone) Church in Douala, it is a very 'interesting' church very pentecostal and a too much into prosperity doctrine for me. We are maybe working with them for another week maybe not not we are waiting to get the programme of the Pastor.

Is that long enough Dad?



  • Hey Steve,
    That was a super-duppa great wonderfully long blog packed with lots of great stuff that helps us all as we pray and try to imagine what you are doing over there in Cameroon! I bet the haka did cause losts of attention!

    Love to you Steve from Dad.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:09 PM  

  • Hi steve,

    It was great to read your blog!!! I was wondering if you might ahve been eaten by a lion or meercat or something?
    It sounds like you have had some pretty interesting experiences! Door to door evangalism, thats pretty scary?! Been missing you back here in the chilly south, can't wait to you are home again (are you going to look and sound like an african?) I suppose you get bits and pieces of news, the good ole all blacks hav retained the bledisloe and should get the tri nations (two more games) cos they are playing each team 3 times this year. I got asked to play in the canty b rugby team, so have 4 games for them in september, kinda cool. I borrowed one of your cd's (hope you don't mind) it was the supertones, I needed some happy ska to cheer me up :)
    Love you heaps Stevesaurus form laniasaurus

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:21 PM  

  • Hey Steve,

    Yay for updates!
    I'm leaving christchurch soon (in a bit under 2 weeks). My placement is up north so I won't be a cantab for much longer! And then I will have to find a job which will be exciting :)
    Speaking of CDs, I will give the ones I borrowed off you to Ray and she can give them back to you.
    Bless you lots.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:27 PM  

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