Hey again, I thank you all for your prayers over the last while i have needed them. On Saturday i felt very weak and struggled to get out of bed for most of the day. At first i thought it was because of lack of calcuim or vitamin c but the director thought it might be malaria. On Sunday morning i took my Malaria tablet – i take one every Sunday – and i felt fine for the rest of Sunday. About lunch time on Monday i started to get a headache, diarha and vertigo (loss of balance) all syptoms of malaria. So i spent Monday afternoon in bed. My malaria tablets (Larium) can be used for both prenvention and treatment so i took some as treatment. I took 3 tablets but i didnt take them with a meal and i vommited a few hours later. 7 hours later i had to take 2 more and again did not have them with food again i vommited a few hours later. The last tablet i took with breakfast on Tuesday and started to feel better. Now (about 2pm on Wednesday in Cameroon) im feeling better but not 100 per cent. So i ask that you can praying for my health. Love you heaps.