Steve's African Adventure

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Hey again, I thank you all for your prayers over the last while i have needed them. On Saturday i felt very weak and struggled to get out of bed for most of the day. At first i thought it was because of lack of calcuim or vitamin c but the director thought it might be malaria. On Sunday morning i took my Malaria tablet – i take one every Sunday – and i felt fine for the rest of Sunday. About lunch time on Monday i started to get a headache, diarha and vertigo (loss of balance) all syptoms of malaria. So i spent Monday afternoon in bed. My malaria tablets (Larium) can be used for both prenvention and treatment so i took some as treatment. I took 3 tablets but i didnt take them with a meal and i vommited a few hours later. 7 hours later i had to take 2 more and again did not have them with food again i vommited a few hours later. The last tablet i took with breakfast on Tuesday and started to feel better. Now (about 2pm on Wednesday in Cameroon) im feeling better but not 100 per cent. So i ask that you can praying for my health. Love you heaps.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Week 8

Hey all,
Thanks for the many birthday wishes it was definitly unique birthday.I got a "cake" (loaf of bread with a candle ;)) and some "bon bons" French Chuppa chup.Good to hear from everyone and i defintly feel like a diffirent personfrom the one that got off a plane in Douala 8 weeks ago with no Frenchand no Visa having no idea what Africa would be like. I - like so many people - have fallen in love with Africa and the African people.
This week the teaching has been on intercession. It has been really good and i thank God for the all people who are interceding for me while i am here and some of you for 25 years ;)

Friday, May 19, 2006

Week Seven

This week has been on God's character and nature not that you can cover that in a week. It was the abridged version. It has been really good.
God has also been showing me what he wants me to do with my life or at least the next few years but more on that when i get home. I have also had the opppurtunity to read a few good books here. Why not Women? (Loren Cunningham and David Hamilton) Tortued for Christ (Pastor Richard Wurmbrandt) Discipling Nations - i cant remember the authors name.
As well as the two coompulsary Loren Cunningham books we have had to read - Is that really you God? and Living life on the Edge.
All of them are really good books.
Thanks for prayer for me please keep praying, i also have a prayer request its for my Africian brothers and sisters here. They have such a passion for serving God but they dont have the support base i do in New Zealand. They need money to do the things that God wants them to do so if you could pray that God will provide for them.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Week six

This was a very good week. The teaching was on Biblical Development. The group is starting
to come together now and really work together which is great. I thank God for my Africian family they are cool.
We played football this morning which was great. It was good because it is not too hot in the morning the only problem being it rained last night so it was football with water hazards. We also attracted quite a crowd. One of the pastors here also runs a hospital and he invited us to have a look through it was very diffirent to New Zealand hospitals. He also invited me to play football next Sunday in a church team which will be interesting.

Love you all

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Week Five

Well five weeks have been and gone. Its hard to believe. Last week the teaching was on the father heart of God it was very useful and all the students where blessed by what we learnt.

The weekend was very busy we went to church on sunday and did some songs and a dance and we had to practice them on Saturday. It was a long walk to the church and back as well as visiting lots of people. The students want to show off their white friends to all their relatives!

I also got a chance to preach on Friday at the community meeting normally about 20 people which was cool. It had to be translated into French.