Well i have finnished my week breack. It has been great. Yaounde is a very nicy city very hilly and the climate is a little more managable for a kiwiboy.
I have been able to see lots of the city, including a really amazing church (you will see the pictures) the zoo and lots of government buildings. Shopping was interesting i needed to but pants for outreach the problem is im white. In Cameroon white is equal to target for extortion. I saw one pair of trouses they tried to sell me for 7000 cfa (about 20 nzd) in New Zealand this would be a good price for trousers but i knew i could getthem cheaper. I gave 5000 cfa to Felix and found somewhere to wait while he went through the market to get the trousers and he got 4 pairs! I dont need four so i gave Felix one pair.
Another story about attempted extortion, Felix and i got into a taxi and before the taxi could pull away the other two passengers displayed their "police cards" (Other wise known as i have a cousin who can make forgeries card) and asked for our papers. Felix showed them our papers and they noticed my visa hadrun out they arguedin French and tried to get 10000 cfa out of us. Felix told them if there is a problem and they are "police" then they can take us to the station. They decided to let us out.
Anyway i will be travelling back to Douala tommorrow and then outreach starts on Saturday.
Love you all and Holland got robbed (so did Spain that was so not a penalty) so go England
I have been able to see lots of the city, including a really amazing church (you will see the pictures) the zoo and lots of government buildings. Shopping was interesting i needed to but pants for outreach the problem is im white. In Cameroon white is equal to target for extortion. I saw one pair of trouses they tried to sell me for 7000 cfa (about 20 nzd) in New Zealand this would be a good price for trousers but i knew i could getthem cheaper. I gave 5000 cfa to Felix and found somewhere to wait while he went through the market to get the trousers and he got 4 pairs! I dont need four so i gave Felix one pair.
Another story about attempted extortion, Felix and i got into a taxi and before the taxi could pull away the other two passengers displayed their "police cards" (Other wise known as i have a cousin who can make forgeries card) and asked for our papers. Felix showed them our papers and they noticed my visa hadrun out they arguedin French and tried to get 10000 cfa out of us. Felix told them if there is a problem and they are "police" then they can take us to the station. They decided to let us out.
Anyway i will be travelling back to Douala tommorrow and then outreach starts on Saturday.
Love you all and Holland got robbed (so did Spain that was so not a penalty) so go England